It appears while silver jewelry has always been a popular choice due to its versatility and lower cost than many other options, 2021 is experiencing a resurgence of its use as a fashion statement as we all partake in our celebrations and events with others.
Not long ago Intercept silver & Jewelry Care Co. was an exhibitor at the annual MJSA Expo New York. With show attendance up from last year, there was no shortage of industry experts, jewelry professionals, and students buzzing around the Hilton New York.
Silver has been a major player in jewelry industry for some time now. It should come as no surprise than that silver jewelry purchases for this holiday season are not only strong, but higher than last year. Retailers around the country are reporting widespread consumer preference for the precious metal as silver sales continue to rise.
Good news! Jewelers are predicting a strong holiday shopping season, especially for silver. This precious metal, however, can be challenging to keep clean. Is your merchandise ready for the holiday rush?