Intercept Jewelry Care Blog
Useful Facts about Tarnish and Silver
Whether it’s your favorite piece of jewelry or the fancy silverware that you save for special occasions, there is nothing worse than finding tarnish has covered the entire surface of your silver. Tarnish can seem like a huge hassle that comes with owning silver, but it doesn’t have to be. Simply purchasing anti tarnish material can be the solution you are looking for. However, many people do not understand the facts behind tarnish and silver. Here are a few things you ought to know in order to keep your jewelry looking new:
How Do Anti-Tarnish Strips Work?
If you value your jewelry or other fine metal work then anti-tarnish strips are a necessity. Anti-tarnish strips can protect jewelry and prevent tarnish, even if the items are stored for many years. But how do anti-tarnish strips work and what should you look for when you buy them?
Anti tarnish coatings for silver
In our last blog, we discussed some of the various types of anti tarnish coatings. Now we will take a more in depth look as to the effectiveness of these coatings.
Packaging's effect on silver
One of the most common issues that retailers and manufacturers of silver and silver jewelry experience, is tarnishing of their silver when stored and/or shipped in their boxes. Many of these companies find out after the fact, that their packaging, be it ring boxes, bracelet boxes, etc., is causing the silver to tarnish rapidly.
Air Pollution In Asia and its Effect on Jewelry Tarnish
As we already know, silver tarnishes when it is exposed to corrosive gases in the air. Our surrounding environment, however, is becoming increasingly more polluted. Increased pollution leads to greater amounts of tarnish. So, what effect will this have on your jewelry and metal valuables?