Intercept Technology™ Tarnish & Corrosion Prevention Packaging

How to Keep Your Silverware and Flatware Free of Tarnish

HOW TO KEEP YOUR SILVERWARE AND FLATWARE FREE OF TARNISHMostly everyone who is engaged in maintaining the quality of their home, their furniture and appliances take careful consideration into home improvement. You might be content with the quality of your interior, but are you concerned about the condition of your flatware? How would you like to have dinnerware that is both clean and tarnish-free? After all, tarnish is not necessarily the most attractive image you’d wish to see on your flatware. Have you ever found a spoon in your drawer which you had to switch for a new one since there was a bit of a tarnish overload? You’re not alone.

If tarnish has left you dissatisfied with your current flatware, then don’t fret: there are options available which can assist you greatly.

One simple chemical reaction can cause tarnish to disappear naturally. In order to accomplish this, place sterling or plated silver in an aluminum pan. Sprinkle either a half of a cup or a full cup of baking soda over the silverware. Keeping the pan in the sink will decrease splashing, so pour enough boiling water over the utensils. Once the tarnish disappears, remove the silverware and buff with a soft cotton cloth. This will help in keeping your silverware clean and shining. So, who’s up for dinner with some fine untarnished utensils?

Once you have tried out this simple anti-tarnish process, then you should consider investing in something very beneficial: flatware storage.

Flatware storage is an excellent choice because it keeps your silverware in a safe and convenient location. It diminishes the opportunity for tarnish and can do so for up to twenty years. These storage boxes bond solid state reactive materials (bonded copper particles) into a polymer matrix. This matrix then reacts with and neutralizes all corrosive gases that pass through or come in contact with the film.

Say goodbye to your tarnished silverware; keep it clean, sparkling, shining, and ready for serving.

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