Intercept Technology™ Tarnish & Corrosion Prevention Packaging

Charcoal Paper is On Its Way Out


Every jewelry retailer knows the importance of anti-tarnish packaging for their jewelry. Anti tarnish materials, such as anti-tarnish bags and paper, absorb corrosive gases that cause jewelry to lose its luster and become tarnished. If your jewelry is tarnished, who would want to buy it?

There are many different anti-corrosion methods and products on the market, including some from juggernaut manufacturers. However, it’s recently been announced that a major manufacturer of charcoal paper will no longer be producing their most popular anti-tarnish product.


There are several types of anti tarnish paper and film that have been widely used in an attempt to prevent corrosion. One particular method is a carbon based product - also referred to as charcoal paper.

Charcoal paper acts as a passive retainer of tarnish causing gases. The carbon-based charcoal products absorb the gases that cause corrosion. However, because carbon is a passive technology, these gases undergo no reaction. This is one of the many issues with using this type of technology to protect jewelry - they never actually neutralize the issue.

This often results in charcoal paper becoming oversaturated with corrosive gases, which can lead to out-gassing. This is the release of a gas that was dissolved, trapped, frozen, or absorbed in some material. Once this state is invoked, the tarnish causing gases are redistributed to the atmosphere around the jewelry, and tarnish the very item it was supposed to protect in the first place.


Another issue with charcoal paper is the point at which they become effective. Charcoal paper only works when H2S exists within an atmosphere at extremely high levels. In fact, charcoal paper only reaches its full efficiency when the presence of these gases is so high, the atmosphere would be toxic.

Most Charcoal Paper Products Only Become Effective at Absorbing Corrosive Gases When Present at Upwards of 4000 PPM

This often leads to the assumption that if charcoal paper works well at high levels, it must work even better in normal environments. However, the lower level concentrations that we are normally dealing with are significantly lower than charcoal's effective operating range.

Essentially, the atmospheres in which charcoal paper products effectively absorb H2S and other corrosive gases are nowhere near what we experience on a day-to-day basis. They are only effective in atmospheres that would render its inhabitants dead from exposure to toxic levels of gases.


Intercept Technology™ reacts with and permanently neutralizes all corrosive gases starting at 0 PPM. Temperature and humidity independent, it doesn’t leave behind any detectable deposits and provide clean, non-contaminating, non-toxic, and non-abrasive protection.

This last point is one of charcoal paper’s largest flaws - its abrasive surface. Often times charcoal paper will leave behind scratches on the surfaces of soft precious metals - like the types used in jewelry. This can cause progressively more serious damage overtime and leave unsightly blemishing.

While some people may find the announcement of this competitor’s cessation of charcoal paper production disappointing, it is actually a win for all of us! Better jewelry protection means cleaner, safer, and prettier jewelry!

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