Anti Tarnish Jewelry Box

Anti tarnish jewelry boxes may seem like something out of a Star Trek episode or a chapter of Alice in Wonderland. A jewelry box that protects its contents from tarnish and corrosion sounds like a great idea - but does one exist?
In previous years, the concept of anti-tarnish jewelry boxes was destined to be a disappointment because they did not offer any real protection against tarnish and corrosion. Then with technological breakthroughs available now from Intercept™ Technology, anti tarnish jewelry boxes can now deliver what it promises.
Anti Tarnish jewelry boxes are the best way to store your silver jewelry and other precious metal jewelry. Prior to being able to store your jewelry in an anti-tarnish jewelry box, serious jewelry retailers and owners were forced to treat their jewelry frequently prior to storing it in a jewelry box.
Anti tarnish jewelry boxes make protecting your jewelry easier and safer. It is not a secret in the jewelry industry that many anti tarnish and anti corrosion products are abrasive and caustic - a danger to both the jewelry and the people breathing in the fumes from the treatment. Jewelry box removes this step in the process and offers real, efficient and affordable protection for your jewelry with the patented Intercept™ technology.
Anti-corrosion and anti-tarnish technology has seen much advancement led by an industry giant, Intercept™ Technology. This type of jewelry storage box has reached all new levels. Corrosion Intercept™ and Static Intercept™ by Lucent Technologies are now integral components of an effective anti-tarnish jewelry box.
Relied on by companies such as NASA, the Royal Mint of England, Raytheon, the Home Shopping Network, The Guggenheim Museum and countless jewelry manufacturers around the world, jewelry packaging, jewelry protection supplies and anti tarnish jewelry boxes that include Corrosion Intercept™ and Static Intercept™ are considered by many to be the finest in the industry.
By using an anti-tarnish jewelry box that combines these two revolutionary technologies, Corrosion Intercept™ and Static Intercept™ , the jewelry is being protected as it is being stored. Corrosion Intercept™ is a patented system that uses semi-conductor technology that actually transforms plastic into a protective barrier that reacts with and permanently neutralizes gases and protects silver and precious metals from corrosive gases, fungus and bacteria.
Corrosion Intercept™ has a layer that is made up of highly reactive copper particles that are bonded into a polymer matrix (basically it creates a film) that reacts with and permanently neutralizes corrosive gases that come in contact with the film. This barrier is virtually impenetrable by these corrosive gases making Corrosion Intercept™ a highly effective way to protect your jewelry while storing it in this box.
Intercept™ Silver & Jewelry Care Company is proud to offer a complete line of anti-tarnish jewelry boxes that uses both Corrosion Intercept™ and Static Intercept™ technology in order to offer your jewelry the most protection possible, without using caustic, dangerous and often abrasive treatments.